Mass Participation Project


The origin of our work in Ghana is our Mass Participation Programme, this is tasked with getting thousands of disadvantaged children to play the sports they love. We work in underprivileged local communities using our overseas volunteers to go into clubs and schools to help provide education, equipment and training sessions that can make a real difference to the lives of the children participating.

Operating alongside our Sporting School of Excellence in Teshie, Rising Stars of Africa runs an after School Programme for the local community. Here volunteers conduct lessons; provide a homework help service, and, for those behind in their studies hold intervention one-on-one teaching. This has an emphasis on personal and scholastic development that creates a meaningful bond between the children and volunteers. For our Mass Participation Programme football team, Rising Stars of Africa, the criterion for selection is based on attendance, attitude and effort shown in training and in school. The aim is to help these children emerge from the cycle of poverty by helping them to gain a better education, more skills and instill leadership qualities to better themselves and their community.

Sports we are actively working to promote and develop in Ghana include: Hockey, Swimming, Rugby, Netball, Basketball, Tennis, Golf, Athletics and other newly emerging sports such as Ultimate Frisbee, Handball and Cricket.

Contact us about our Mass Participation Project

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